Cheap bus tickets from Angers to Brunswick

from $72.99

Comfort on board

Our buses are equipped with large and comfortable seats, a toilet, Wi-Fi and power outlets.
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Bus stations and stops in Angers

Please note: your ticket will contain the most up-to-date address information.

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The bus route from Angers to Brunswick covers 719 miles. FlixBus can bring you from Angers to Brunswick in 18 hours 20 minutes.
The quickest bus trip from Angers to Brunswick takes 18 hours 20 minutes.
You can get from Angers to Brunswick for as little as $72.99.
You can buy your bus ticket from Angers to Brunswick choosing your preferred payment method among card, Paypal, Google Pay, and more!
You can track your bus location on our Real-Time Bus Tracker. Just select the relevant bus stop and check the time of arrival. Find out where your bus is and check if there are delays on the route.

Buses from Angers to Brunswick

Find the cheapest buses from Angers to Brunswick

It couldn't be easier to book your travel from Angers to Brunswick with FlixBus - and when you book in advance, you can save money too!
FlixBus operates in 38 countries connecting 5000 destinations. So no matter where you want to go, we can take you there!
Ticket prices cost as little as $72.99.To get the cheapest tickets, book online in advance and avoid busy times like weekends and public holidays.
The distance between Angers and Brunswick is 719 miles, which takes as little as 18 hours 20 minutes with our fastest rides.

Make your journey even easier with the FlixBus app. All your information will be saved for the next time you travel.

Traveling from Angers to Brunswick

No matter whether you want to travel first thing in the morning or late at night, you'll find a journey to suit you with 7 ridesbetween Angers and Brunswick. The first bus is at 1:40 am with the last bus leaving at 10:35 pm. The rides from Angers to Brunswick take a minimum of 18 hours 20 minutes; what's more, when you travel by bus, you don't need to worry about traffic or delays en route. Just relax and enjoy the journey with free WiFi and plenty of legroom.
You can pick up a bus ticket for just $72.99 - that's way cheaper than traveling by any other method.
Buses are also a great choice for environmentally-conscious travelers. We're working towards being 100% carbon neutral and offer all travelers the opportunity to offset their carbon emissions when booking their tickets. Simply select the "CO2 compensation" box when paying online and we'll use all of the money to make a direct impact on the future of sustainable mobility.

Taking the bus from Angers

Ready for your journey from Angers? Angers is a transport hub with 1 stations and it is seriously well connected with buses to 41 destinations across the country.
No matter where you're traveling from, you can find plenty of information on our website or by contacting FlixBus directly for travel information. We'll do our best to make sure you're well-equipped for your journey, so you can experience everything the trip has to offer.

Arriving in Brunswick

Start planning your trip to Brunswick now. Never visited before? Here's all you need to know.
Brunswick is one of the best-connected cities, so you're not short on choices of how to get here. 1 is the number of bus stations FlixBus has in Brunswick, connecting 79 cities.
Never miss a beat as you sample the sights and culture synonymous with this famous city. Now is the time to hop aboard FlixBus and explore!

What to expect onboard the FlixBus bus from Angers to Brunswick

Traveling from Angers to Brunswick is quick, clean and comfortable - and it couldn't be easier to book a ticket. You can book online via the website, on our app, in person at a FlixShop or using Google Assistant.
We accept card payment as well as Paypal, Google Pay and Apple Pay, but there are many more payment options that you can choose from. The easiest way to book your ticket is using our app. You'll be able to make your reservation within seconds and there's no need to print and carry the ticket with you, as your phone will be your ticket.

Want to sit beside family or friends or keep the space beside you free? Need easy access to the toilet or a table to get on with some work whilst traveling? You can reserve a seat when you book on the app or website, and you can choose from a variety of seat options including a table seat, panorama seat or extra seat. Once you're settled in your seat, you can sit back and relax with plenty of onboard services to help you make the most of your trip. Most of our buses have onboard Wifi and an entertainment system so you can catch up on your favorite shows or listen to audiobooks. We've also got toilets onboard, as well as power outlets.
What's more, you get a generous luggage allowance when you travel with FlixBus with one carry-on bag and one checked bag, so you can bring everything you need for your trip.

Onboard services are subject to availability